by Cathy Breslaw
Sep 1, 2021
Four Women Artists: Experiments in Stone at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Many artists focus on mastering one medium throughout their career lifetimes. Curated by Alana Hernandez, the digital exhibition...

by Jennifer Gunlock, Collections Manager
Aug 1, 2021
Remebering Jay Belloli (1944-2021)
I write this column saddened over the passing of my lifelong mentor Jay Belloli, who left us on May 21. A humble and unassuming man, he...

by William Pinney
Jul 1, 2021
An Eventful Year in Review
The Jonathan Art Foundation has had an interesting year in despite of and because of the pandemic. If you have not heard of us before,...

by William Pinney
Feb 1, 2021
Thoughts on Collecting Art
In November, The Jonathan Art Foundation produced a webcast entitled the The Story Behind a World-Class Art Collection. This project...

by William Pinney
Jan 19, 2021
The Story Behind a World-Class Art Collection
The Jonathan Art Foundation webcast a live presentation to the Jonathan Club membership about an art collection created over the last 125...

by William Pinney
Jan 19, 2021
JAF in 2020: A Year In Review
Some say that “Change is good,” but let’s be honest, it is never easy when we are confronted with the changes in routine we've all faced...

by Grafton Tanquary
Jun 2, 2020
Peter Alexander (1939-2020)
Peter Alexander died Tuesday May 26. Peter was a friend. I met him in the 1980s at Cirrus Editions in Downtown Los Angeles, when he was...

by Jennifer Gunlock, Collections Manager
Jun 1, 2020
Peter Alexander's "Chula Vista I"
Peter Alexander (1939-2020) was one of LA’s iconic mid-twentieth century artists who celebrated this town over the span of his fifty...