by Steve Platt
Aug 1, 2016
An Interview With Chief Justice Ramirez
The Jonathan Art Foundation has scores of works on loan to the Fourth District Court of Appeal in Riverside. I recently spoke with...

by Jennifer Gunlock, Collections Manager
Jul 1, 2016
Building a Collection
Five years ago the Jonathan Art Foundation sat down to strategically refine its current acquisition policy, with the keen knowledge that...

by Jennifer Gunlock, Collections Manager
May 31, 2016
Theodore Lukits: An Aesthetic Realist
As the caretakers of a proud collection of early California Impressionist art, it has been our mission to share this treasure with the...

by Jennifer Gunlock, Collections Manager
Nov 1, 2015
Robert Glenn Ketchum
The Jonathan Club is a proud owner of artworks by California’s great masters, and a large part of that legacy is due its artist...

by Rich Reitzell
Nov 1, 2014
Jean Mannheim
This month’s featured painting is the Jonathan Art Foundation’s most recent acquisition, a wonderful landscape by the artist Jean...

by Michele McFaull
Jul 1, 2014
John Huggins
There is a large work hanging at the Jonathan Beach Club by John Huggins titled Stars and Stripes that grabs me every time I walk past....

Michele McFaull
Aug 1, 2012
Theodore Lukits
As a significant artist in California plein air painting—from as early as the 1920s—Theodore Nikolai Lukits (1897-1992) was prolific....

by Michele McFaull
Jul 1, 2012
Fannie Duvall
This month I am proud to highlight one of our women artists. Fannie Duvall (1861-1934) was born and educated in New York (Cooper Union)...